Tan: a short film by Daniel Henry

Tan is a musical meditation about the balance of impermanence and 'sameness' that happens within our lives. Using Monteagle's expressive song 'TAN' as the narrator, I wanted to explore eerie and evocative images that almost seemed to bubble up from the unconscious while we intuitively traveled around the country. Every year around New Years comes with a dark cloud and this past year in particular was filled with loss and a heaviness that has stuck with me. It gives me comfort to know that the past and the future have more in common when you give them both proper attention. This project is a reflection of how life can sometimes feel like an endless loop of longing, loneliness, horniness and hunger that everyone experiences no matter where they are.

Director: Daniel Henry
DP: Dustin Lane
Road Dog / Assistant: Monster
Editor: Ryan Kendrick
Colorist: Mike Howell
Sound Design / Mixer: Jimmy Sedekum

Music by: Monteagle

Cast: Daniel Henry


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