Youth in Dearborn | The Story of Rana & Mahdi

The story of Rana Elhusseini and Mahdi Hazime, two exceptional senior athletes pursuing scholarships at Fordson High School in Dearborn, Michigan- known as "Little Lebanon". Both practicing Muslims, Rana and Mahdi are helping to pave the way for young Arab-American athletes in a city that hosts the highest percentage of Arab-Americans in The States. "Youth in Dearborn" shows the challenges that both they and their parents have faced in coming to, and growing up Lebanese Muslims in America, and is a small window into Muslim youth and Arab culture in Dearborn.

Directed by Andy Madeleine
Executive Producers... Michael Steves & Lucas San Juan
Director of Photography... Adam Rock
Sound Mixer... Andre Bottesi
Camera Assistant... Kyle Brow
16mm by... Andy Madeleine
Edit & Color... Andy Madeleine
Composer... Nick Schneider

16mm shot on Kodak 250D
Film Processing: ColorLab

Cast: Andy Madeleine


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