The Sun City by Lior Malka

Film by Lior Malka
The Sun City in Jodhpur India

Voice Over:
Mike Gigs
Lior Malka

Lotus méditation by olivier olsen
Twilight chants by suraj nepal
Beyond the sea by G-yerro

People Behind The Scenes:

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Jodhpur, India. 

The Blue City. 
A legendary and old royal city located in the middle of the desert and at the top of the high mountain 
A large and impressive palace of kings.
you're probably wondering why blue? 
In the past, the population of the Brahmins would have distinguished themselves from the rest of the residents of Jodhpur by painting the houses in blue. 
Soon all the inhabitants of the city painted their home and hence came the name, Jodhpur.

10 hours accumulate from two days of trip
I spent most of 10 hours filming everything that was moving next to me, trying to pass on to others what I was experiencing. Many feelings, many experiences, 
Noise, confusion, smells .. And, most of all, a lot of glances of sadness, joy, interest, and there were also looks I could not quite figure out what they were. 
The first impression of the local inhabitants was the fact that everyone was dealing with his own,
in his territory.
They neutralize everything that is not related to their work. 

On one of the walks between the alleys, we happened to meet an improvised gym. 
Pretty amateurish, but very impressive in the authentic atmosphere he produces. 

Every alley, house, or just a street we had reached, had looks.
There were very deep looks mainly because they people were trying to figure out who you are?! Where are you from?! 
When I went to people to photograph them, it did not really interest them why I put a camera in front of them. 
Privacy does not interest them so much. 

When we were on our way to the Fortress Palace when walking to it required physical fitness, we encountered one of the residents, a years old man.
We were very interested in talking to him. 

We were around people all the time. 
I kept feeling how many of these people were trying to survive, jumping on every opportunity there was to produce a living. 
All around was always very dirty, not unpleasant smells ... and no one is interested ... well, after the strange sign I saw at the entrance to the palace fortress that says "Here is not allowed to spit" the truth I understand why. 
That's their culture, that's how they live. 
We, the normative people, are busy, very busy with them. 
Family, work, money, chase. Day after day. 
We just think that we live and enjoy everything we produce for ourselves, 
And that is the point I finally reached. 
These, these people, we were around them and tried to understand how they lived like that?! These are the same people who just made me realize that we are so different from them. 
They are happy people. They do not have the need to chase day after day after their glory, they have no one to impress and certainly not to want. 
They smile, shake hands, for no reason. 
Live the moment as long as they exist. 
Women, men and children who look around, without telephones, without screens, and bombarded technology. 
They are the same people who just want to survive. 

"The fact that you exist does not mean you are alive".

Cast: Lior Malka|Video Films

Tags: people, lens, film, filmmaker, cinema, best, travel, terra 4k, movie, script, color grade, India, kinefinity, jodhpur, Vimeo, cine, tags, love my job and camera


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