New Year's Experiment

My husband has been fascinated (possibly slightly obsessed) about drawing machines for a while now, and he recently figured out a way to do this lil' hack on his 3D printer and repurpose it to make it draw with normal pens.

He was testing it with some Moebius drawings and I thought the result was so awesome! It had a very human quality to it, filled with flaws, line variations and stuff :) And so many endless cool explorations one can do with different tools and surfaces to print on!

Anyway, we thought it would be fun to do a (very homemade) animated experiment together, printing 24 frames and giving them to friends as a New Year's card.

Happy 2019, everyone!


Design and animation - Bee Grandinetti
Printing - Murilo Polese

Cast: Bee Grandinetti


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