Con mas de 4200 km de largo, Chile se encuentra dividido en varias regiones. Al norte los Altiplanos, llanuras rodeadas de volcanes situadas a mas de 3.000m de altura, donde el mar se secó hace mas de 10.000 años dejando a su paso kilómetros de campos de sal. En el centro el mejor arte urbano del país se hace hueco entre montañas, lagos y volcanes. Y al sur, la Patagonia, donde los Andes surgen en todo su explendor y solo la carretera Austral, se atreve a cruzarla. Caminos de ripio rotos por la geografía y en permanente reparación. No apto para todos los vehículos, atraviesa Montañas, glaciares, lagos y mares. El Ferry y la rueda de repuesto es tu aliado.
With more than 4200 km long, Chile is divided into several regions. To the north the Altiplanos, plains surrounded by volcanoes located at more than 3,000m high, where the sea dried 10,000 years ago, leaving miles of salt fields in its wake. In the center, the urban centers and the best urban art of the country fit between mountains, lakes, and volcanoes. And to the south, Patagonia, where the Andes emerge in all their splendor, only the Austral road, dares to cross it. Gravel roads are broken by geography and in permanent repair. Not suitable for all vehicles, it crosses Mountains, glaciers, lakes, and seas. The Ferry and the spare wheel are your allies.
Other works
Camera: Canon 5D mark iii with magic lantern
Lenses: Sigma 24-70 2.8 and Canon 50mm 1.8
Software: Premiere Pro
All footage in this video is copyright. Third party download and distribution is not permitted.
If you are interested in buying images or any query, please contact:
Cast: theroutefilms, ruizpreciado and flavia díaz
Tags: chile, travel, viajes, atacama, patagonia, carretera austral, américa del sur, roadtrip, filmmakers, canon5d, landscape, film, santiago de chile, valparaíso, coyahique, glaciar, andes and chiloé
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