Hors de la cage

In a small village in southeast France a 19-year-old boy called Pierre showed us how he lives without the standards of our actual time. He preserves a millenary culture where white horses and bulls are his whole life. Away from the modern life, he just needs simplicity to feel joyful.

This is an small piece shot on Kodak 16mm Film with no pretensions. We just tried to show how nowadays there are still young people who don't fall into paradigms of today's modern life and they still enjoy what life is all about.

Special Thanks to Pierre Mailham and Julie Nicolas for let us feel like home and all the help they'd given us.

Director: Joaquin Phelan
Dop: Bernat Eguiluz
Edited and Produced by Méjico.tv
Voice: Carole Flament
Soundtrack: Run at Midnight - Dustin Lau. Licensed at Musicbed.com

Cast: Méjico

Tags: film, kodak, 16mm, documentary, la camargue, super16mm, director, krasnogorsk, mejico, dop, vintage, technology, nature, 2k, landscape, cinematic, art and shortfilm


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