New identity for KMD – Faculty of Fine Art,Music and Design

The visual identity was initially developed for Bergen Academy of Fine Art and Design.

In the design process, and as part of the Norwegian Educational Reform, Bergen Academy of Fine Art and Design was merged with Grieg Academy of Music and incorporated into the University of Bergen as Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design. The new faculty was allowed to keep its visual identity in the making, as it was a premise underlying the process.

The concept «tension» is interpreted through the name of the fields: Fine Art (KUNST), Music (MUSIKK) and Design (DESIGN) forming an inherent chaos in a vibrant and dynamic logo system. Each logo, varying in intensity, is limited by the space defined by the surrounding design elements and the given format. The identity expands, pulsates and lives, from secluded, close and quiet – to bold, fearless and powerful. The identity is meant to be a carrier of chaos and to express unpredictability and friction.

«Our ambition is to be a leading international centre for artistic research and education. By daring to build the visual identity on the inherent tension in our organization, we want to signal that we are a reflective and fearless faculty, with room for both close encounters – and power bursts. A relevant and demanding faculty setting the agenda and influencing people and society.»

– University of Bergen, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design

Cast: Uniform Design

Tags: branding, dynamic identity, brand identity, identity, case video, music, design and art


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