Incredible sky of Singapore | aerial timelapse

This video was filmed over two trips to Singapore. First visit in February 2014, I was impressed so much of this place, of its accuracy and civility. I also liked climate, hot with sudden rains and thunderstorms. The sky of Singapore made a special big impression on me, it always different and changing very fast, and its beautiful sunsets is always on my mind. My first visit I mostly did timelapses and hyperlapses on my Canon 5D mark3, I walk around the city and enjoyed it. Also I got on some of rooftops in the city centre. I spent there about 10 days.
The second visit was in December 2017. I enjoyed SG very much after terrible 2 weeks in Vietnam. This time I focused on drone shots, I bring my DJI Phantom 4pro. These 6 days I spend catching best weather and light conditions to make some aerial timelapse shots.
Hope to come to Singapore again.
music: KOSIKK - Can you feel it.

Cast: dimid

Tags: singapore, aerial, drone, timelapse, hyperlapse, asia, city, cityscape, таймлапс and сингапур


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