Isfahan, Iran 伊斯法罕。伊朗

Welcome to half of the world, Isfahan! Located in Central Iran, Isfahan was once one of the largest cities in the world and Persian capital in the 16th and 17th centuries during the Safavid dynasty. Even today, the old imperial city retains much of its past glory with many outstanding Islamic architecture dotted within the city, including covered bridges, palaces, mosques and markets, The centre of the city is marked by the unmissable Imam Square (The Naghsh-e Jahan Square) which is one of the largest city squares in the world and an outstanding example of Iranian and Islamic architecture. It has been designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
伊斯法罕伊朗第三大城市,位於伊朗中部, 曾是世界其中一個最大的城市, 歷史悠久。 伊斯法罕是17世紀的薩非王朝的首都, 是第二次成為波斯的首都。今日的伊斯法罕為伊朗一文化古都,亦是旅遊重城, 很多出色的伊斯蘭建築物仍完好保留, 包括皇宮, 回教寺, 孔橋, 街市等, 令舊城區被列入世界文化遺產之列。伊斯法罕的中心為皇宮廣場,號稱世界第二大的廣場,僅次於北京的天安門廣場。日落時到訪,會碰到很多在噴水池嬉水的小朋友,真是消暑的好活動!

Cast: zenoyu

Tags: HD, Travel, Middle East, Asia, Iran, Isfahan, Imam Square, The Naghsh-e Jahan Square, Esfahan, Islamic, Muslim, UNESCO, islamic architecture, Si-o-Seh Pol, Vank Cathedral, Jolfa, backpacking and Persia


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