Weird Waves Wyoming

We journeyed into to the far away land of Wyoming. We saw buffalo, bald eagles and witnessed a large man down 3 liters of Hefeweizen in 11 minutes!!! Actually that was top gun ace camera man Dave Malcolm. A truly enjoyable experience, one might even say magical... and in that spirit we are very proud to present the official launch of Casual Slice!!! We call it... Weird Waves Wyoming?

Special thanks to the Mattson 2 for the original score, Joel Fox and Andy Baker for the insane graphic genius. Scott Sisamis and Nolan Hall for breakfast at A's and support. Brian Iguchi for absolutely bitch slapping the f#$% out of the snake river and showing us an incredible time. The FitzPatrick family. Wade Goodall and Andrew Doheny for extreme shredulating. Graham Nash, Jared Abe, Steve Zeitzoff, Josh Nardo and Dave Malcolm for their premium film skillage. And for his 3rd mention in this damned description David Jorge Malcolm, you old son of a gun, we salute you for sharing your wizardry of the editing arena with us, we hope we don't embarrass you in the future.

Cast: Casual Slice


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