180's project: Manfred the Monkey

When your boss allows you to spend 10% of your time on your own project, you should jump at it. Which we did.
And who jumps better than a monkey? So Amanda combined her frame-by-frame animation skills with Fleur's song-writing skills to give this monkey some rhyme and rhythm.

The idea is to draw from old fables, where animals elucidate us, poor human souls, with lessons on life. We need a wise monkey. At the same time, we are post-modern and cynical, and sorry to say dear monkey, so are you.


in60seconds develops creative concepts, infographics, videoproductions and animations. Key role of our work is communicating a complex message in a short amount of time. We introduced the term ‘explanimations’.

in60seconds employees have the opportunity to spend 10% of their time, about 180s hours a year, on a project of their own liking. Hence the name ’180s projects’. This to foster ideas, challenge skills and open new markets.

Cast: in60seconds, odylle and Amanda Joyce Nedermeijer

Tags: In60seconds, amsterdam, explanimation, animation, explain, animatie, video, infographic, explainer, uitleg, 2016, 2d animation, frame-by-frame, cell animation, monkey, jazz, musicvideo, music, singer-songwriter and 180


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