Red Bull - Zigzagging The Caucasus (Full Length)

Eclectic squads and unexpected destinations are what we bring together, and on that front Patrik never fails to deliver. Georgia, Armenia and the tiny, disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh were traversed in search of yet more untouched spots and undiscovered culture. This area, where the easternmost reaches of Europe meet western Asia, is one of the most richly cultured and yet unexplored parts of the world – certainly so in terms of our own tribal movement which we call skateboarding.

Naturally, Plan B legend and rainy backlipper Pat Duffy was enlisted alongside Latvian stuntman Madars Apse, England’s finest, Barney Page, bohemian American ripper Walker Ryan and Russian shocker Gosha Konyshev in what must be a new benchmark in random squad assembly. Love it.

Inevitably, given the skaters involved and the visionary behind the lens, this is a superb three-parter which deserves to reverberate around the world of skating and beyond.Wallner is setting the agenda for visual standards in this kind of skate film right now and the spontaneous skating produced by new terrain and quick hits locks into that aesthetic perfectly. Really, nobody else is doing this kind of stuff today.

Directed, Edited & Filmed by Patrik Wallner
Featuring Pat Duffy, Madars Apse, Barney Page, Gosha Konyshev and Walker Ryan
Guiding and Translating by Kirill Korobkov
Photography by Alexey Lapin
Produced by Red Bull Media House

Cast: Patrik Wallner

Tags: Visualtraveling, Zigzagging the Caucasus, Patrik Wallner, Pat Duffy, Red Bull, Barney Page, Madars Apse, Gosha Konyshev, Walker Ryan, Georgia, Nagorno Karabakh, Armenia and Kirill Korobkov


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