Evolution III

'Evolution - A Timelapse Project' is a project I started in 2013.
It's a personal, 3-partial project that showcases my progress in timelapse photography.
Evolution III is picturing Belgium from the Ardens till the coastline plus a bit of Nord-Pas-de-Calais (France).
This film is the third and last part of this project.

This project was about making and sharing the "evolution" of my work. When I look back now at the first film, I'm kind of ashamed that it's still on my channel.
Evolution brought me a ton of opportunities, I got to know a lot of new people and I learned so much.
I'm happy it's finished. Now it's time for something new.

While making this project, I saw there is a ton of life and so much to see in this little country.
There's little hills and woods here, small villages and big cities, and we have a coast too!

Locations in this video: Oostduinkerke, Bruges, Ronse, Oudenaarde, Ghent, Ninove, Antwerp, Brussels, Steenkerque, Braîne-le-Comte, Soignis, Vollezele, Nismes (Fondry Des Chiens), Namur, Dinant, Botassart, Eupen (Lac de la Gileppe), Lille (France), Escalles/Wissant/Audinghen (France)


This video was made possible by Panolapse. Check out their software, it's great!

The music in this video was made by Kasbo, a promising 19 year old producer out of Sweden.
Kasbo - World Away

Canon 60D
Sigma 10-20 f4-5.6
Canon 6D
Canon 16-35 f2.8
Pentax Asahi 50 f1.4

Cast: Charles Pacqué

Tags: timelapse, timelapse video, brussels, belgium, charlespacque, namur, evolution, france, canon, bruges, evolution project, gent, pacque, antwerp, timelapse project, ghent, ronse, renaix, dinant and ardens


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