A (Little) London Christmas - A Tilt Shift Timelapse

From Christmas markets to ice skating and fair rides, it almost seems like London turns into a giant Christmas playground filled with bright lights, loud sounds and chattering adults drinking (too much) mulled wine. This clip was put together over the 2015 Christmas Period, and hopes to show this happy and playful side to London during the festive season.

Twitter: @HogMedia
Instagram: @media_hog

Tower Bridge
The Tower of London Ice Rink
Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park
Various Christmas Markets at Southbank, Tate Modern, Kingston and on and on and on.
St Pancras Train Station
Trafalgar Square
Covent Garden
Kew Gardens
Battersea Park Fireworks
Views of the city were shot from The Shard and The Walkie Talkie Building
London River Bus at Canary Warf
Oxford Street

Sony A6000 with Playmemories Timelapse App and, importantly, Triggertrap (as it let me trigger the shutter on the A6000 faster than the native Sony Timelapse App would even let me!)
Various Tripods and a Gorilla Pod
Sony 20mm and 55-210mm

Tilt-Shift Effect added using Adobe After Effects 'Camera Lens Blur' effect and and Key Framed Deph Pass
Timelapses shot at 1 frame every 1-2 seconds - Our equipment struggled to shoot faster due to camera processing speed.
Workflow was RAW-Lightroom-After Effects (for stabilisation on Handheld shots, output .MOV)- Premier Pro with Dynamic Link to After Effects for Tilt-Shift Effect - Final Output with Media Encoder in H264

Cast: Media Hog Productions

Tags: Timelapse, Tilt-shift, Christmas and London


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