NSPCC : Pete's Story

Winner at D&AD Awards 2015: http://ift.tt/1MYnlf9

Pete's Story is a true account of a boy that suffered from his mother's violence over his childhood years in the UK. NSPCC and Lovers invited me to create this frame by frame watercolour ink animation to communicate the story’s haunting and delicate atmosphere.

NSPCC is the leading children's charity in the UK and is widely known for its long fight for childhood protection. The film was used to reach out potential donors and to create awareness among young people about child abuse and what NSPCC can do to help.

The idea was to convey a mixture of fear, solitude and the imminence of violence confined inside this labyrinthic house, in contrast with the green touch points that show potential (but unused, in this case) interfaces between Pete and NSPCC. I worked five months to create this watercolour animation frame by frame, on paper, and then compose it digitally in post production. I’ll be posting a making of soon.

Special thanks to Alex Ostrowski and Ally Carter for their trust, motivation and support.

Daniel Bruson

Creative Direction
Alex Ostrowski

Executive Production
Andrew Hunter

Animation, Painting and Compositing
Daniel Bruson

Assistance Animation
Erik Righetti

General Assistance
Talita Annunciato

Ally Carter

Alex Ostrowski

Creative Agency
Lovers lovers.co/

Sound Design
Cassini Sound



Cast: Daniel Bruson and Erik Righetti

Tags: animation, motion, brazil, short, ink, frame by frame, cell animation, hand drawn, uk, ngo, nspcc, child abuse, watercolour and handmade


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