Three days in Berlin is enough to fall in love. Now I'm happy to say Ich bin ein Berliner.
A great city - great people - amazing culture - and I can't wait to go back.
I'm always looking for a new challenge - so after seeing the Watchtower of Turkey and The Watchtower of Morocco by Leonardo Delessandri I wanted to challenge myself to produce something influenced by those pieces. It's completely not my usual style of editing - and all the time I was filming - it felt like I was breaking every rule I'd ever known. But once I'd started I'd pretty much committed myself to continuing.
Just to make things a little more difficult for myself - I'd deliberately not brought any of my camera gear with me as I wanted to see what could be achieved with just the iPhone 6 Plus. I have to say - there's a surprising amount of freedom when you leave the main camera at home. You don't have to worry about bringing a back full of lenses or tripods or anything like that and because you can carry it round in your hand all day - it is instantly there ready to hit record.
The final edit was done all in Final Cut Pro X.
Now if you've not seen Leonardo's Watchtower films then you really should take a look at those. While this was a fun project - I really didn't have a lot of time to do it and it was more of an experiment on my part. His work is pretty masterful.
Cast: Tim Richardson
Tags: Berlin, iphone, travel, Ich bin ein Berliner and iPhone 6 Plus
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