Snapshot Wakhan

Snapshot Wakhan - a bicycle journey through Tajikistan, along the Afghan borders to Kyrgyzstan. Enjoy with headphones!

Part of a video diary for friends and family back home - shot and edited on a bicycle trip of 13 months.
From Mongolia, over the Himalaya's through Tibet, China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Oman, Iran, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. In july and august 2014 we cycled the Pamir mountains in Tajikistan and the Wakhan valley waving to the Afghan people at the other side of the river. Then we continued to Kyrgyzstan. A harsh trip but worth it. With special thanks to Mauro our Italian friend who cycled a long way with us.

music mix consists:

Together in the Empty - Dexter Britain (creative commons)
Khalzadeh Masta - Dawlatmand
Kholov ashaw - Dawlatmand
Unknown - Badakshan ensemble

Cast: Blanche

Tags: The Pamir highway, Pamir, Afghanistan, Wakhan, Wakhnan valley, the Pamirs, bicycle travel. wereldfietser, travel, outdoor, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pamir Highway, Adventure and sport


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