Red Sea Highlights

This is a highlight reel mostly from two weeks of diving in southern Sudan aboard the Don Questo live-aboard, with supplementary footage from Saudi Arabia. The central Red Sea (southern Sudan in particular) is a truly fantastic place, home to an array of incredible sharks species, majestic manta rays, massive groupers, curious jacks, schools of barracudas and more. This video was created to showcase the incredible beauty of the region and, more importantly, to inspire and convince viewers that this largely unknown, unfished, and unexplored place is well worth preserving.

Music: Strong (Instrumental) by London Grammar

Video credit to Giacomo Bernardi for the clip of the anemonefish.

A big "thank you" to the captain and crew of the Don Questo as well as Dr. Michael Berumen, who made this trip possible.

Cast: Alex Kattan

Tags: Red Sea, SCUBA, diving, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, sharks and coral reefs


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