Science Can Change The World

All over this planet thousands of gifted men and women dedicate their lives to the believe that their innovation, their idea someday can change the world. Their journey is a lonely one, often filled with obstacles, struggle and failure. "Science Can Change The World" is a short film tribute to the unsung heroes of science by innovation company DSM.

Concept: Jasper Claus (1Camera) & Hugo Keijzer
Agency: 1Camera
Director: Hugo Keijzer

Production: MIKETEEVEE
Executive Producer: Ellen Utrecht
Producer: Inge Zoete
Director of Photography: Adam Scarth
Art Director: Marijn Molenaar

Offline Editors: Annelien van Wijnbergen & Brian Ent
Grading: Toby Tomkins
Sound: Kaiser Sound Amsterdam
Music: Dead Man’s Bones – “Lose Your Soul” (licensing: Pitch & Sync)
Online: Glassworks Amsterdam

Cast: Hugo Keijzer, Ellen Utrecht | MIKE, Adam Scarth and Marijn Molenaar

Tags: science, scientist, scientists, change, the, world, planet, save, innovation, dsm, dead, man's, bones, lose, your, soul, ryan and gosling


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