All over this planet thousands of gifted men and women dedicate their lives to the believe that their innovation, their idea someday can change the world. Their journey is a lonely one, often filled with obstacles, struggle and failure. "Science Can Change The World" is a short film tribute to the unsung heroes of science by innovation company DSM.
Concept: Jasper Claus (1Camera) & Hugo Keijzer
Agency: 1Camera
Director: Hugo Keijzer
Production: MIKETEEVEE
Executive Producer: Ellen Utrecht
Producer: Inge Zoete
Director of Photography: Adam Scarth
Art Director: Marijn Molenaar
Offline Editors: Annelien van Wijnbergen & Brian Ent
Grading: Toby Tomkins
Sound: Kaiser Sound Amsterdam
Music: Dead Man’s Bones – “Lose Your Soul” (licensing: Pitch & Sync)
Online: Glassworks Amsterdam
Cast: Hugo Keijzer, Ellen Utrecht | MIKE, Adam Scarth and Marijn Molenaar
Tags: science, scientist, scientists, change, the, world, planet, save, innovation, dsm, dead, man's, bones, lose, your, soul, ryan and gosling
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