A skateboard project by Will Dias written and directed by Filipe Zapelini


The crowd is his element, as the air is that of birds and water of fishes. His passion and his profession are to become one flesh with the crowd. [...] To be away from home and yet to feel oneself everywhere at home; to see the world, to be at the centre of the world, and yet to remain hidden from the world—impartial natures which the tongue can but clumsily define. The spectator is a prince who everywhere rejoices in his incognito." (Charles Baudelaire).

This condition allowed Will to walk the streets with no apparent purpose, but secretly aware of the history of the places where he passed and the possibility of aesthetic adventures that every detail of the city - his architecture - represents. In the era of Liquid Modernity, Will moves over his skating across the metropolis like a fish in a river, ignoring divisions and barriers, taking forms, occupying spaces, diluting certainties, beliefs and practices.

"If a tree falls in the forest and no one is near to hear, does it make any noise?" This is a fundamental question for a philosophical and mental experiment that raises doubts about observation and knowledge of reality.

If Will was not realized this work would exist? It is in this context that Filipe Zapelini becomes essential - without his gaze "the essence of this reality would not have been perceived by reason."

by Francis Bacon.


Starring: Will Dias
Director: Filipe Zapelini
Cinematographer: Mika Altskan
Photographer: Ricardo Napoli
Illustration and Animation: Guilherme Arduin and Marcello Akira
Motion Graphics: Rafa Cézar
Edit: Filipe Zapelini
Colored: Sid Pires
Curator: Francis Bacon
Producer: Jacob Gottlieb
Soundtrack: Fantasia, 1940 and Zimbo Trio, 1964
Sound Design: Thiago Gautério


C.J Ahlgren
Fernando Branco
Francis Bacon
Gabriel Honzik
Guilherme Krolow
Jacob Gottlieb
Juliana Vargas
Lennon Vallinas
Licia Arosteguy
Marcello Akira
Mika Altskan
Rafa Cézar
Raul Carrasco
Ricardo Napoli
Rodrigo Pires
Santa Transmedia
Sommwhere Gallery

Cast: Filipe Zapelini and Mika Altskan

Tags: Skateboard, Fins, Flippers, NYC, NY, Brazil, Red, Epic, Will and Dias


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