Sofles | Wayfarer

One continuous shot following graffiti writer Sofles on a wander through Melbourne.

This video was made possible to an amazing group of people, who came together to help us celebrate and pay homage to the Collingwood and Fitzroy area of Melbourne. Our goal was to create one continuous drone shot, captured in one take. The amazing team from Swarm UAV pulled it off.

Here you have the result, along with words by the brilliant poet and author Omar Musa.
Original soundtrack by Erin McKimm.

Thanks to all the artists who came down to be a part of this video, the support team of assistants, Easey's, Everfresh Studio and everyone else who makes Collingwood such an amazing place.

Directed by Selina Miles
Featuring Sofles
Aerial Cinematography by Swarm UAV
Music by Erin McKimm
Spoken Word by Omar Musa

Cast: Selina Miles

Tags: graffiti, sofles, ironlak, continuous, drone, collingwood, melbourne, selina miles, wayfarer, street art, fitzroy, one shot, spraypaint, rone, georgia hill, callum preston, dvate, easeys and everfresh studio


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